Corporate Structure & Internationalization |
In 2009 we started to "internationalize" our services and have continued to do so. This website is owned and operated by eXodus Pte. Ltd. (“The Company’). The Company is incorporated in the Republic of Singapore pursuant to the Companies Act, Cap. 50. Business incorporating and ancillary services are provided by “Approved Service Providers” in various jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Republic of Panama, Belize and Nevada U.S.A.
We are convinced that “internationalization” is the absolute best way to protect your privacy. We comply fully with the law in every jurisdiction and do not complicate your business in any way; we simply provide the privacy that you should expect and that you certainly still deserve.
The Company is a privately held organization. We believe that to be a leader in the industry, the best talent is essential. To attract and retain the best talent, the employees share in the future growth of the company.