Wyoming Basic Weekly Mail Forwarding  
We will provide a Wyoming address (Registered address) to receive limited mail (10 pieces per year). Once a week mail is re-packaged in a confidential envelope and forwarded anywhere in the U.S. or Canada, postage included. Service DOES NOT INCLUDE PACKAGES. Mail is forwarded to international clients once monthly. This limited service meets the needs of many of our clients but you may need to up-grade to a VIRTUAL OFFICE package (Basic or Executive) if the mail volume is exceeded. The Company + 2 DBAs can receive mail. Officers may not receive mail in their personal names.

*** Please note that the address provided is the "Registered Office" of the Company. When conducting business (for example banking) you may be asked to provide a "Business Address" and that the "Registered Office" (or Registered Agent) address is unacceptable. If this situation arises or if you wish to avoid this, please add a VIRTUAL OFFICE package (Basic or Executive) and you will receive a separate business address (in another city) with a Unique Suite Number exclusively for your entity's use.