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- Dan, New York

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International Asset Protection  
International Asset Protection Tutorial  
Why do I need International Asset Protection?  
  • Shocking Fact # 1: Suing somebody in America is considered the 2nd best way to get rich, right after winning the lottery!
  • Shocking Fact # 2: In the United States, 80 million lawsuits are filed every year. That's over 150 suits per minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
This has come to be known as the "litigation explosion". There are currently over 1,200,000 lawyers in the United States. A large percentage of these lawyers, (estimated to be as high as 36%) are either unemployed or underemployed. And 80% of the world's lawyers live in the United States of America. You can be sued by anyone, at anytime, for anything! What does this come down too? Legal Extortion! This may sound dramatic, but once you are served with a law suit, even if you are completely innocent, what are your options?
  • Option # 1: Settle out of court and pay off the plaintiff! or
  • Option # 2: Pay an attorney $5,000 to $10,000 MONTHLY, to defend your innocence!
Neither option is attractive. It is not uncommon for awards in negligence cases to exceed $1,000,000 dollars with attorney fees in the $50,000-$100,000 range. What makes it worse? You cannot count on insurance to protect you! Insurance companies have hundreds of attorneys trying to figure out how they can legally deny your claim!

Don't leave yourself open to attack by Legal Extortion! Use the law to YOUR advantage! Protect your assets legally! Get started today... your family is counting on you.... don't let them down!

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