nevada llc corporation

“Thank you Nevada123, for your commitment and your professionalism. You made my experience with your process a smooth one. Your consultants are knowledgeable and patient. They have helped me tremendously to understand and learn. Their advice was genuine and right on point. I intensely researched, looking into other companies and their websites. Your site was well put together and informative. It was all the small things that made my choice as easy as 123 in choosing you guys. Sincerely thank you again.
- Dan, New York

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Why Nevada?  
Why Incorporate in Nevada?  
Nevada vs. Delaware. Where is it best to incorporate?  

Nevada has no State Corporate Income tax, no Franchise Tax, No personal Income Tax.
Delaware taxes companies that derive income from Delaware, or that have a "Base of Operations" there.

Delaware Law update: Effective January 1, 2008, All Delaware companies must file a complete annual franchise tax report including (among other things) the names and address of all of the corporation's directors as of the filing date of the report, as well as the name and address of the officer who signs the report. The amendment requires the Secretary of State to declare void the charter of any corporation that fails to file a complete annual franchise tax report.

There is NO Tax Return to file in Nevada, regardless of where the income comes from! Nevada has NO information sharing agreement with the IRS, Delaware does. Delaware even requires detailed information about the business dealings of your corporation, such as a list of the number and value of shares issued and the reporting of stock transfers, etc. Nevada does not require any of this.

One of the biggest and most fundamental arguments for Nevada is as follows:
If you intend to establish a Corporate base of Operations outside of your home state in order to reduce or eliminate home state taxation and regulation, then the answer is clear:

If you choose Delaware as your corporate base of operations, then you are doing business in Delaware. If you are doing business in Delaware, then you are subject to taxation in Delaware!

The answer is simple: Choose Nevada as your Corporate base of Operations . Nevada does not tax income no matter where in the world it was earned!

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Business incorporating and ancillary services are provided by “Approved Service Providers” in various jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Republic of Panama,
St. Kitts & Nevis, Nevada U.S.A. and Wyoming U.S.A.

All prices are listed in United States Dollars (USD).