“Please allow me a moment to say "Thank you..." Funny how, "the little things sometimes matter the most." Your taking the time to help in an unsolicited manner speaks volumes. It demonstrates your true understanding of customer service.” |
- Frank, Attorney, Calif
"I am very pleased and impressed with the professional and efficient manner that my needs were met. I have dealt with several other companies that service Nevada Corps, but your company is superior in all areas: Customer service, Value and Knowledge" |
- Vera, New York
“I must say, in all my days of dealing with "nominee" positions such as yours (twelve years now), I have never seen a more efficient operation than yours.” |
- David, California
"After researching asset protection and cost of attorney's to help with this I could not believe that Nevada Corporation Services could do all they said for the prices they were quoting. You know the "if it is to good too be true" line. So I got on a plane flew to Reno, rented a car, and spent a few days in Lake Tahoe, NV just to take a look. I am happy to report I was very impressed with the complete operation. The staff is professional, knowledgeable and very helpful. I have been a happy customer ever since and look forward to a long relationship."
- John, Arizona
“Dave (a consultant); I appreciate your knowledge and professionalism. The process was quick and could not have been easier. You and the rest of the staff are great to work with. I highly recommend Nevada123.com to all my business contacts. Great Job!” |
- Dan, California
This area is intended for Personal Asset Protection Only. Although Limiting your Business Liability and protecting your Assets are closely linked, this page is primarily for those looking to protect personal assets such as cash, investment securities, notes, receivables, investment real estate, a personal residence, patents, trademarks, copyrights and shares in a closely held corporation. If you intend to operate a Business, please read the Nevada Business Incorporation pages.
- Shocking Fact # 1: Suing somebody in America is considered the 2nd best way to get rich, right after winning the lottery!
- Shocking Fact # 2: In the United States, 80 million lawsuits are filed every year. That's over 150 suits per minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
This has come to be known as the "litigation explosion". There are currently over 1,200,000 lawyers in the United States. A large percentage of these lawyers, (estimated to be as high as 36%) are either unemployed or underemployed. And 80% of the world's lawyers live in the United States of America. You can be sued by anyone, at anytime, for anything! What does this come down too? Legal Extortion! This may sound dramatic, but once you are served with a law suit, even if you are completely innocent, what are your options?
- Option # 1: Settle out of court and pay off the plaintiff! or
- Option # 2: Pay an attorney $5,000 to $10,000 MONTHLY, to defend your innocence!
Neither option is attractive. It is not uncommon for awards in negligence cases to exceed $1,000,000 with attorney fees in the $50,000-$100,000 range. What makes it worse? You cannot count on insurance to protect you! Insurance companies have hundreds of attorneys trying to figure out how they can legally deny your claim! Don't leave yourself open to attack by Legal Extortion! Use the law to YOUR advantage! Protect your assets legally! Get started today... your family is counting on you.... don't let them down!
Law suits are about money - Your Money! A plaintiff's attorney will initiate an asset search to ascertain if you are a prime target for "legal extortion" or for "collection" if he is sucsessful in winning the suit. This consists of locating any assets tied to your name and Social Security number. How accessible is this information? Thanks to the Internet just about anyone can find out everything you own by performing a simple online search. The assets shown on these reports will include your home, vehicles, investment real estate, bank and brokerage accounts, patents, intellectual property, businesses, and, well, just about anything else of value that you own. The mere fact that you own these assets makes you a target, regardless of your innocence. The Nevada Asset Holding LLCThe Nevada Limited Liability Company (rather than a corporation) is the primary entity used for Nevada asset protection. Unlike in many other states, A Nevada LLC does not require a business purpose to be formed. Currently, 14 states (California, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia) require a business purpose in order to form an LLC. Because of this, an LLC formed in these states cannot be used to hold an asset to protect it from creditors, unless that is deemed a business purpose in that state. A Nevada LLC can be operated as "an investment holding company" or "an investment management company" and simply "hold and manage" assets. In this way "personal assets" can be protected from judgments. Nevada has the strongest asset protection laws in the United States.Cash, investment securities, notes, receivables, investment real estate, a personal residence, patents, trademarks, copyrights and shares in a closely held corporation are all eligible for protection. In exchange for transferring assets to the Nevada LLC, you receive a membership interest. A Nevada Limited Liability Company used in this way is a very powerful asset protection tool. Many wealthy persons spend tens of thousands of dollars developing complex strategies to protect assets. For the average person with moderate assets this strategy is affordable and extremely effective. First line of defense: Privacy:Privacy is extremely important in asset protection. We provide Privacy Services to eliminate your name from public record. You control your assets through confidential Nevada LLC "membership". If a judgment is issued against me personally how does a Nevada Investment Holding LLC help?The judgment creditor would like to seize bank accounts, real estate and investments in order to collect the amount which is owed. An asset search in your name will reveal little, since (once the Nevada LLC is funded) you no longer legaly "own" these assets. Now your primary asset has become the confidential "membership interest" in a Nevada Asset Holding LLC. Most collection efforts will end right here. An aggressive creditor may force a "debtors examination" in court: Here you must reveal your membership interest in the Nevada Investment Holding LLC (to avoid committing perjury). A good asset protection plan, should incorporate maximum privacy, but when required by law to disclose your assets, you will be able to do so, without the risk that those assets will be seized or assigned to a creditor. Once your assets have been disclosed, the creditor will now understand how difficult and costly any collection action against the membership interest will be. The creditor should also be informed that collection action may result in an income tax liability ( Phantom Income) to him, even if (as we expect) no distributions are ever made to the creditor.
Asset Protection can be as simple as purchasing a Nevada Asset Holding LLC in order to transfer your assets to it. Acting now and doing this one thing is 100 times better than doing nothing! Sometimes the solution is more complicated and requires the use of multiple LLC's. If this is the case please contact us for a FREE consultation. If necessary, we will be happy to talk to your Attorney or CPA in order to arrive at the very best solution for you. Ready to get started? Purchase the Nevada Asset Holding LLC FREE Tutorial: Want to learn more about Personal Asset Protection? Take this quick Nevada Asset Protection Tutorial
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This website is owned and operated by Fidelity Solutions Limited ("The Company") incorporated in Hong Kong.
This site and any information contained on this site were written to provide information regarding the subject matter. The entire content of this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the express written consent of The Company, holder of the copyrights. ©2000-2025. Privacy & Legal
The information contained herein is believed to be accurate. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher, The Company, is not engaged in rendering legal or accounting services. The Company is not affiliated with any Bank. The Company is not a law firm or Certified Public Accountancy or Chartered Accountancy firm. As always if you need legal advice consult with an attorney or a solicitor. If you need tax advice consult with a Certified Public Accountant, a Tax Attorney or a Chartered Accountant.
Business incorporating and ancillary services are provided by “Approved Service Providers” in various jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Republic of Panama, St. Kitts & Nevis, Nevada U.S.A. and Wyoming U.S.A.
All prices are listed in United States Dollars (USD).
