The Secretary of your company (per resolutions adopted during the “organization”) is the custodian of the company record and maintains the record's book, and members/stockholders register. This enables the Secretary to prepare formal notices to Stockholders, Members, Directors or Managers of upcoming meetings as well as prepare the minutes thereof.
Additionally the Secretary of the company (per resolutions adopted during the “organization”) is the custodian of the Embossed Company Seal. Most bank and brokerage firm resolutions necessitate the secretary to be the custodian of the company record and of the corporate seal and in most cases the secretary must additionally certify this to the bank or brokerage firm. Usually the certification process requires that the secretary certifying the document is NOT an authorized signatory to the account.
Should you require a document to be sealed please forward the document to our offices. In most cases the sealing of a document and or the secretary’s certification will require a special meeting or resolution. Upon review of your request, we may issue an invoice for this service.
If for official purposes, you should ever need a copy of a resolution, we will be happy to provide you with a certified copy.